Sunday, June 24, 2018

Online Marketing Bathurst, Is Your Business Strategy a Lemon?

Online Marketing Bathurst is complicated, so ask yourself, are you doomed to fail? That is a single concern that you certainly will need to make certain that you are really imagining before you commit an excessive amount of in a plan that you may not have the time to see prosper. So for example, ask yourself just what issue are you truly solving with your Bathurst business? This is an effortless thing to consider when considering what style of online company you may like to get involved in, or a wonderful focus if you already have a company going. People will pay money to have their problems handled. Whether it's helping them find the nearest shoe store or the best solar panel on the market, if you can focus on the problem you are solving and do this well, then you are on your way to creating a wonderful online business in Bathurst.

Don't get too worked up if your plan in Bathurst isn't distinct or is currently out in the marketplace. It's not really about the strategy as much as it is about the execution of the idea, or in other words, how well you deliver your service or product to the market. A straightforward example is the way Apple functions. In case you didn't know, they didn't invent the portable MP3 player, or the iPad; both concepts were already out in the marketplace years before Apple went to market with the two of these products. What they did extremely well was carry out a brilliant marketing campaign to make their re-imagined, actually in the marketplace product far better than anyone else's. If you had an MP3 player, pre-iPod nobody cared, but if you had one of those small white boxes with an apple on it, you were cool.

Don't be afraid because you are not a world expert on the niche you are marketing to in Bathurst. If you consider it, lot of times the advertising and customer experience matter far more than your product understanding or experience in your niche.

You actually have enough ideas and experience to make a few ideas fly. Whether it's your profession, hobby, or just a passing passion, you can create an online company from it. There are loads of ordinary people around who have made millions from a simple idea that was of interest to them, often starting from very plain circumstances. Mark Zuckerberg, the Facebook founder, just thought his idea would be fun for the students at his university. Brainstorm some things you're excited about and establish them into an online business.

You may have experienced some aggravation in your own life with a website, product, or service in Bathurst when you said to yourself, "I could do this better than these guys." This is yet another way to start thinking about the experiences you have in your own life that can be the inspiration for an online business.

If you are looking for more information, or want to talk to an SEO agency to boost your business even further then call us on 1300 595 013 or visit our website:

Monday, May 15, 2017

INTERNET MARKETING's Pidgeon carries good news for local Bathurst businesses!

INTERNET MARKETING is a highly complex and uncertain area of online marketing and is crucial to everything that you are planning to do for your business. But the catch for quite a few people entering the world of INTERNET MARKETING is that Google keeps making changes, so you will want to understand most of the past updates just to be readied for the future, and the new changes in Pidgeon herald some interesting news for local Bathurst businesses.

Already we have had Google Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird, but one of the most recent addition is Pidgeon, and it has actually made a number of rather subtle changes that is essential to get your head around if you are aiming to tackle INTERNET MARKETING.
So, if you don't already know, Panda was the first major update with this series, and it laid the foundation for what Google considered being a 'good website' and punished those that were not structured well. Penguin then came and started attacking all the dodgy sites that are using underhanded techniques or working to buy links-- it pushed again towards websites must 'earn' a positon instead of buy one.

Hummingbird added a new feature to the game and made all of us resort to the need for 'responsive design' and recognise the manner in which the modern user browses the internet. So this brings us to Pidgeon. Hopefully, you can see the theme that has been building-- Search Engines reward those deserving. Pidgeon caries on the tradition, but it takes it even further and helps the locals too!

Essentially Pidgeon has set a higher focus upon the importance of local search results to any search queries. What does this mean? Well let's consider two companies, one is a small local Bathurst business, has been around for decades, and is attempting to increase their INTERNET MARKETING. The other is a new franchise store from a company that has 100s of outlets around the country.

Formerly, the smaller local Bathurst store would be struggling with INTERNET MARKETING because they would ought to match the budget of the larger company. This meant that many small businesses were just throwing in the towel on INTERNET MARKETING or wasting their money and time. With Pidgeon, a search in Bathurst, is now more likely to rank a local Bathurst business as a high result compared to one with a national office elsewhere.
So INTERNET MARKETING's new Google update is one to really understand to ensure you can get the most through your business!

If you need to propel your INTERNET MARKETING campaign to a whole new, fantastic level, then I recommend looking into Internet Marketing Experts Bathurst, call 1300 595 013 or visit at

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Internet MarketingBathurst - Your Essential starting resource for your SEO and Marketing Ad campaign

Internet Marketing Bathurst is so essential in spite of whether you are a local business or a large business. And if you have tried your hand at SEO and Marketing, and even if you have no clue where to start then this is a great place to begin.

Over the previous ten years I have invested a ludicrous amount of resources and time working out the best way to have my websites generating income. If I had not had such bad experiences I don't think I would ever been forced into learning this material for myself. So observe, and listen to a few of the lessons I have found out so you can get the best start possible, especially if you are a local business owner in Bathurst, or if you are just starting with Internet Marketing.

1.) The biggest aspect that I would like to explain is that your SEO Campaign will take time and you cannot be hesitant. I don't want you to be gambling away your life saving on some passing craze, but rather I wish to try and make you mindful that you can't succeed without dedication.

  • When you have your first advertising campaign. Don't spend $2 and whine that it didn't get the job done. You need to make a commitment.
  • You additionally can't just manage your campaign for a day. It takes at least a week in order to get a proper respect for an ad's effectiveness.

2.) When you are creating content, don't just copy everybody else, your Internet Marketing will definitely be far better if you be distinct and look to what is missing from your industry. The best thing you can do is to fill up the gaps in our niche business. This means that if everyone seems to be moving to blogs, generate infographics. Think outside the box, invest in video software and produce something unique.

3.) Look to developing a calendar to keep an eye on your content. Doing this will help you not only keep in mind what sort of posts or content you have made, but is essential for planning ahead. Some of my favourite ways to increase engagement is to look back over past months or years of content and improve blogs, or rediscuss ideas, and don't merely use this for your Internet Marketing or content creation, think outside the box, get organised and begin to see what is being profitable, and what still needs improvement.

4.) Some tools that I would recommend that you explore include some excellent research tools as Google Adwords' Keyword Planner tool and ubbersuggest if you want a little something different.

  • If you want to create graphics, is wonderful, simple and easy to use for all your graphics needs, it is click and drop with lots of pre-sets.
  • When making infographics, check out it is a easy way to make a visual representation of data or information without needing to employ a designer or resort to using Microsoft Excel pie charts.
  • And also one resource for an overlooked area is it is a Gmail plugin that will really help you with scheduling and planning because it lets your remember of customers and contacts that you have to follow up with. It gives you email reminders and lets you keep track of people so that you can boost your efficiency and guarantee a more professional image to your contacts.

5.) Essentially when it relates to determining the success of your Internet Marketing, it may be rather challenging to see how your business is going compared to your competition in Bathurst or perhaps even around the country. But the best way to get a real impression is to not fall into the trap of looking only at the general 'reach' of your content, but rather its 'consumption. This means how many times it has been downloaded, clicked on, commented on, viewed, shared, and effectively the amount of revenue it may be said to have generated. You must look at all of this data, and see what the real result has been because while there may be thousands or millions of customers looking at your content as a Bathurst company, if nobody engages with it, then it is a wasted effort.

As the CEO of Internet Marketing Experts Bathurst I have seen a number of the best, and worst tries at Internet Marketing therefore we don't waste any time or your effort in producing real results for SEO campaigns. To find out more contact us on 1300 595 013 or visit,

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Internet Marketing Bathurst - What will 2016 hold for local small business?

Internet Marketing Bathurst is a challenging thing, and as we enter into 2016, people are in a way of thinking where they reflect back on the year that was 2015, and try and work out what life holds in store for them later. This is of course, impossible. You can certainly never know what is around the bend, but if you determine the important parts of the past and look for patterns you can get a better comprehension. This is particularly true for SEO. I want to try and point out to you just some of the major news that have been coming out in 2015 throughout the Bathurst SEO industry and the globe. From this hopefully together we can try and determine where to focus our efforts, this will be specifically beneficial if you are a local Bathurst business.

Think Local
This is the major emerging trend and it is going to keep improving in significance. This means that if you are an Bathurst business and you are looking for local clients, then this is fantastic. Starting with the changes from Google Pigeon, we saw an emerging pattern that local Bathurst searches were actually ranking higher than business with national headquarters, or even places on the other side of town. Why? Because with local searches people want to know what is near them! In 2016 this is going to grow even more considering the recent Google search quality ratings guidelines and also taking into consideration the My Business API as well as other things Google has been up to in 2015 will likely prove that they are investing more time and weighting into local search powers. So with that in mind, there are a few technological areas that will be surfacing even more in 2016, so look out for them to help with your local search efforts.

Local-boosting tech trends
There are a few technology areas which are swiftly growing in other countries and are beginning to emerge in Australia and it won't be long before they gain appeal in Bathurst.
Mobile wallets
Society is getting more and more used to having around less money and slimmer wallets. Particularly with the worldwide sweep (or swipe) of PayWave or PayPass over the past few years and other simple 'contactless' paying technologies we are working towards mobile wallets. This will mean 2 things for a local Bathurst business. 1 - you need to be focusing on growing trends, and make sure you have the ability to actually let people pay - for instance, if you are yet to buy a PayWave or RFID reader for your ship, then get one. And 2 - you can start capitalizing on the mobile nature of paying. This means advertising and marketing, coupons and other fantastic offers that you can send to people on their phones and therefore direct into their wallets.

Beacons are a little something that has had growing use overseas and we are seeing them locally now too, but they are generally other ways of getting specials to people locally. It works through Bluetooth, and even a free Wi-Fi, and it basically provides information or a discount to people who link or sign up to the Beacon. This means that people at your Bathurst store, or even wandering past the area will be given more enticement to actually enter the store and make a purchase. It's an ingenious promotion tool that will continue to grow in 2016, but I wouldn't be surprised if technology and development changes this even further throughout the year.

We also will see even better use of Aps such as Snapchat and Periscope for imaginative ways such as advertising. This has been seen in America with national campaigns run by Dunkin' Donuts and Taco Bell making use of these aps. It is incredible how men and women can keep reinventing ways to get their company out there, and the same could be done for your local business in Bathurst. Be creative and even analyze what other individuals have done, especially when it comes to social media - if you see a little something you like, remember of it and find a way to integrate a similar idea into you own strategy.

My concluding pieces of parting suggestions - and these are things that you can do right away, today - would be to sign up to a fresh Social Media account. Facebook, Google +, Instagram, Pinterest. Choose one you don't have for your company yet and start a new campaign to reach a new audience. As you reach new people, you will grow your reputation at a local Bathurst level, and also boost your authority and perhaps even become an useful resource for people. This all goes to your local SEO efforts which are key in 2016. So you will possibly notice that the future actually looks helpful for Local businesses with trends and technology promoting even greater interaction at a 'community' level. This is great for Bathurst businesses, and so I hope that you are as delighted as I am. Keeping that in mind, if you are lo9oking for more SEO advice, or are planning to enhance your SEO efforts, then contact Internet Marketing Experts Bathurst on 1300 595 013 or visit,

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Digital SEO Marketing Bathurst - Facebook Ads Lessons to boost your Effect

Digital SEOMarketing Bathurst is not as simple as constructing a website there are of a lot of different Digital SEO Marketing concepts to try and understand yourself as a website owner. It is because of this I wish to show to you a few lessons that I have learnt about Facebook Ads. Why Facebook ads? Because Social media is necessary to Digital SEO Marketing, and because there are many matters about Facebook Ads that I wished I knew when I first started off investing with them.

Lesson # 1 - Location, Location, location-- Don't waste your money

If you have made a Facebook ad before you would know that you must select a location. So if you are a local Bathurst Business then you will want to set the location to Bathurst. It just makes sense, right?

But what quite a few people overlook is that they choose by default the option for "Everyone in this Location".

So I want to mention to you what that actually means.-- 'everyone in this location' means every single person in whose Facebook says that they are actually in Bathurst will be possibly targeted by your ad. This is pretty specific, but still broad enough to where you may be wasting money.

People often don't realise, but that 'everyone' button is actually a drop down option, and from there you can chose if you want people who live in Bathurst, or perhaps just people visiting.

So depending on your company, you may intend to be targeting people that are visiting or even on holiday in Bathurst. By selecting the option for this you can make sure you are getting in touch with the specific people that will hopefully be engaging with your business, and therefore get a better engagement rate on your effort.

But what it also means that if you just keep picking 'everyone in this location' then you are by default wasting a number of your ad's reach on people that are just visiting.

So always remember this option exists, and have a think about what options are likely to work for your business.

Lesson # 2-- Image v Text.

This is one thing that I really had to remember when first starting. Facebook Ads must contain under 20 % text, it is Facebook's way of making sure your ads actually are not being too obtrusive and annoying, so you should ensure that that you have a nice image in your ad and your font isn't too large.

Something that I tend to use is the grid tool. It is provided by Facebook at And it will give you an indication of just how much text you are using in the ad.

So be confident to keep this in mind and your ads will have more effectiveness, and less automatic rejection by Facebook.

Lesson # 3-- Mobile platforms are key

When selecting your platform, don't fall into the trap of selecting just the desktop version. As most of us are probably aware, most of Facebook users are young, and younger target audiences basically only use mobile devices. Recent figures from Facebook indicate that almost 50 % of users under the age of 35 only use a mobile device to access Facebook.

Now, it really does depend on your audience, but even though you are targeting at an older demographic, most will still have mobile devices capable of using Facebook, so don't overlook this possibility.

What this means is just because you may be on a laptop when you develop and edit an ad, don't fall into the trap of assuming that people will be seeing your ad on a desktop too. This means ensure that you look to make sure the ad works for mobile in the preview, and you explore the quantity of ads you want aimed solely to 'mobile.

With any luck these few tips and pieces of advice will help you to save some effort, time, and even a bit of money when it comes to Facebook ads and your Internet Marketing attempts in Bathurst.

If you are looking increase your Internet Marketing campaign even further, then call Internet Marketing Experts Bathurst on 1300 595 013 or visit,

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Digital SEO Marketing-- The Fight to find out what Google is 'not providing' you.

Digital SEO Marketing is a tricky and complicated area, and one of the ways that makes it even more difficult is the way that Google is making it harder to find information. I am not usually one to grumble about the way that Google changes-- largely they are moving to help make the SEO 'game' a more honest a worth driven sector, but some things are still exasperating. So what am I grumbling about here? Well allow me to try and clarify it this way.

No matter how you intend to design your keyword research, everything starts with a certain core concept, one that you must develop by scanning your metrics and Google Analytics.

The thought is that from this central idea and keyword, you then create a seed list of terms, expanding through related terms and synonyms of your central concept. The expansion of terms will then begin to be tailored towards SEO ideas, content marketing, internet marketing and other considerations.
At one point, Google was willing to make all of its searcher keyword data available for free to those wanting to conduct research. However, this has all changed with the modifications made to Google's policy and the role that '(Not Provided)' now plays.

Google has opted though that they are going to lessen the access to the data produced by specific searchers. This features those who are logged into a Google account such as Gmail and Google+, as well as anyone using recent updates of Mozilla Firefox. The secure searchers are indicated in the search result site's domain including 'https' rather than 'http'.

According to the Not Provided site,, this has an effect on an ever increasing amount of data, being upwards of 80 %. This means that the days of simple and free access to marketing reports through Google Analytics accounts are at an end. Instead, you will have to invest in a Google AdWords advertising account for you to use Google's proprietary information.

There are a variety of good keyword analysis tools on the market in this day and age, however an SEO company is an invaluable resource. With the changing nature of keywords since Hummingbird, and the issues of 'Not Provided', it seems that an SEO company may be just one of the quickest ways to learn the real metrics for many specific niche areas. The main problem that is brought up by this is how it impacts the small businesses in Bathurst that are trying to conduct some DIY SEO who don't always want to run a full SEO campaign or invest too much money in AdWords or AdSense. Where this goes next in 2016, only time will tell. But if you are looking out for more information on ways that you can try and get more accurate info and metrics that will actually help you, consider approaching an SEO Agency. Every agency is different, so do some analysis and find one that is best for you. For instance, you can contact my SEO firm, Internet Marketing Experts Bathurst on1300 595 013 or visit,

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Digital SEO Marketing's strength comes from Quality Content

Digital SEO Marketing is based upon a strong groundwork of quality content, so is your Bathurst business really strong enough to succeed? Far too many places out there are making content that isn't worth the paper it is printed on (or rather the pixels it is displayed on ...) and the web is inundated with small businesses, like yours in Bathurst, that just try to get some awareness, but annoy people instead. Every online marketer, Local business or even just internet user would delight to have that one post or video go viral and let the Social Media Machine just create free marketing - but the truth is it is a lottery, and the very best plan that everybody can stick to is to make regularly quality content for your fans to love, like and share.

There are a couple of Big Picture ideas that you should bear in mind when it comes to Content:

Relevant Content is Key.

Facebook is a swift paced and constantly changing place, and so you need to make sure you reach people when it is going to be most reliable. This means every thing must be relevant to you, your company, your audience and what you intend to achieve. When you post about something that your audience genuinely appreciates you will see greater response.

Content is not just words.

bear in mind that when we discuss content you should be thinking of Videos, Quotes, Pictures, Thoughts, Ideas, Questions, Slideshows, Animation, and Stats.

High quality means posting content that follows the 3 E's.

Make sure your Content can Entertain, Educate and Empower. You must keep these words in mind when generating content. If you can continuously make posts that typify one of the Three E's then you will be on the path to setting up a reputation for quality content.

If you are unsure on what your online or local Bathurst target market will consider as quality, then among the simplest ways to figure it out is to undertake some research. Take a look at your rivals or at other areas around your market to see what other company's in Bathurst post and what kind of interaction they get. You shouldn't be wanting to copy them, but rather replicate the areas that work and make their success your own. When it boils down to it though, one of the easiest ways to know what your Viewers will respond to will be to just ask them. Make a post or a survey that can engage with your audience to see what they want from you as a company and what they wish to see on their Facebook wall. You may be amazed by what you discover. And so, if you have any questions, or simply want to chat, call Internet Marketing Experts Bathurst on 1300 595 013 or visit,